IAR Systems delivers extended optimization and trace capabilities for RISC-V development Latest version of IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V adds new optimizations for code size and speed, enhanced trace and support for Nuclei devices
Uppsala, Sweden—November 26, 2020—IAR Systems®, the future-proof supplier of software tools and services for embedded development, has extended the complete development toolchain IAR Embedded Workbench® for RISC-V with additional tra ... |
SEGGER Embedded Studio - New linker significantly shrinks RISC-V applications
SEGGER’s Embedded Studio for RISC-V now comes with the SEGGER Linker in addition to the GNU linker. The SEGGER Linker has been developed from the ground up to create executables for Embedded Systems.
For RISC-V, it shrinks the size of the resulting programs by up to 15%, shortens link time, delivers a detailed map file and provides more flexibility.
Based on the same code as the SEGG ... |
SEGGER's embOS RTOS turns 64-bit SoCs into single chip computers
SEGGER’s real time operating system embOS now supports 64-bit CPU cores.
Today, most IoT and other sophisticated embedded applications use 32-bit CPUs. Pretty soon, they will use 64-bit CPUs. This is because the latest generation of SoCs and FPGAs with advanced peripherals – such as SuperSpeed USB and Gigabit Ethernet – tend to also come with powerful 64-bit CPU cores. Advance ... |
IAR Systems delivers efficient building and testing in Linux-based environments for Renesas RX MCUs In addition to existing support for Arm and Renesas RH850, IAR Build Tools for Linux now support Renesas RX
Uppsala, Sweden—November 16, 2020—IAR Systems®, the future-proof supplier of software tools and services for embedded development, adds support for Renesas RX microcontrollers (MCUs) in build tools supporting implementation in Linux-based frameworks for automated application ... |
IAR Systems accelerates development of smart factory applications based on Renesas' R-IN32M4 New evaluation kit simplifies evaluation of Renesas’ R-IN32M4-CL3 IC for industrial Ethernet communication with CC-Link IE TSN
Tokyo, Japan / Uppsala, Sweden—November 11, 2020—IAR Systems®, the future-proof supplier of software tools and services for embedded development, today announces the availability of the new evaluation kit IAR KickStart Kit™ for Renesas’ R ... |