SCIOPTA Safety RTOS ported to NXP LPC4300
SCIOPTA Systems AG has ported the safety certified SCIOPTA Real-Time Operating Systems to the NXP LPC4300 series dual-core CPUs.
The SCIOPTA LPC4300 RTOS is written in highly optimized assembler and specifically tuned for the ARM Cortex-M4F and ARM Cortex-M0 cores included in LPC4300. This results in a very high performance and a low memory footprint.
SCIOPTA LPC4300 is certified accordi ... |
SEGGER J-Link now suppors ARM DS-5 Development Studio Hilden, Germany - March 13th, 2014 - SEGGER's J-Link, the most popular debug probe and de-facto industry-standard in the ARM world now also supports the ARM DS-5 Development Studio.
DS-5 is a high-end IDE from ARM, mainly designed for developing on and debugging ARM’s high-performance Cortex-A and Cortex-R processors but debugging the popular Cortex-M series microcontrollers is also sup ... |