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emSSL V2 - The SSL/TLS solution for single-chip systems
emSSL V2 – The SSL/TLS solution for single-chip systems
Hilden, Germany – June 23 rd , 2015 SEGGER is releasing a new version of its emSSL secure sockets implementation with both client and server capability. The minimized RAM usage allows operation on single-chip systems. A secure connection between browser and the webserver supported by emSSL requires only 7KB of RAM.
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C-STAT & C-RUN WebEX demonstration
As requested by a number of interested customers in the Benelux we have planned a WebEX session of these interesting code verification tools by the IAR Systems product specialist on June 25th. We will send out an e-mail with an invitation shortly, however you can already register by sending an e-mail to You will then receive an e-mail with the time and link to join the session. ...
IAR C-STAT code analysis now also released for Atmel 8-bit AVR
IAR Systems adds static code analysis to leading development tools for Atmel 8-bit AVR family New version of IAR Embedded Workbench for AVR introduces static code analysis and stack usage analysis. June 2, 2015—IAR Systems® presents version 6.60 of its development tools IAR Embedded Workbench® for AVR. The update extends code analysis possibilities with the integration of static ...
Program any SPI Flash via J-Link and Flasher - regardless of CPU model
Hilden, Germany – June 9th, 2015 – The newly released J-Flash SPI software allows SEGGER’s in-circuit programmers and debug probes to support direct programming of SPI flashes.

Users of current models of J-Link PLUS, ULTRA+ and PRO, as well as Flasher ARM and PRO can employ J-Flash SPI to program serial (SPI) flashes, which are directly connected to the J-Link or Flash ...

INDES-IDS BV offers solutions for Embedded Software Development as well as for the Telecommunication NEMS and Service Providers. In these markets we offer products of either the market leader or the innovation leaders. Our goal is to assist you to get to the market sooner by offering a combination of products, knowledge and services.