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IAR Systems supports ARM Cortex-M0+ and Freescale's new Kinetis L series
IAR Systems announces that its highly-optimizing C/C++ compiler and debugger tool suite IAR Embedded Workbench® now supports the new ARM® CortexTM-M0+ core and Freescale Semiconductors' recently announced Kinetis® L series. The ARM Cortex-M0+ processor combines energy-efficiency with high performance. It is suitable for use in applications for intelligent sensing and control in ho ...
SCIOPTA Real-Time Operating System ported to Renesas RX210
SCIOPTA Systems AG is announcing the immediate availability of the SCIOPTA Real-Time Operating Systems for the Renesas RX210™ based MCUs. Beside the fast Real-Time Kernel there is IPS (Internet Protocols, TCP/IP), IPS Applications (Web Server, DHCP, DNS, SMTP, Telnet, TFTP etc.), SFFS (Flash File Systems), USB support, embedded GUI graphics support and the DRUID System Level Debugger availa ...

INDES-IDS BV offers solutions for Embedded Software Development as well as for the Telecommunication NEMS and Service Providers. In these markets we offer products of either the market leader or the innovation leaders. Our goal is to assist you to get to the market sooner by offering a combination of products, knowledge and services.