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IAR Embedded Workbench for Renesas SuperH
IAR Embedded Workbench Development Environement for SuperH with its optimizing C and C++ compiler provides full support for SH-2A and SH2A-FPU based devices and generates very compact and efficient code. It supports on-chip debugging through Renesas E10A-USB Emulator and through export to most third party debug systems.

Key components Integrated development environment with project m ...
SCIOPTA RTOS for Freescale's MPC5510 Microcontroller
SCIOPTA Systems AG is announcing the immediate availability of the SCIOPTA Real-Time Operating Systems for the MPC5510 processor. The SCIOPTA MPC5510 RTOS is written in highly optimized assembler and specifically tuned for the MPC5510 processors. This results in a very high performance and a low memory footprint. The MPC5510 kernel is Power ArchitectureTM Book E-compliant (e200z1 core) and fully ...
LDRA tool suite integration maximises IAR Embedded Workbench strengths
LDRA, the leading provider of automated software verification, source code analysis, and test tools, has integrated the LDRA tool suite with IAR Embedded Workbench. Because IAR Embedded Workbench provides a full range of capabilities, the LDRA tool suite is able to realise its full potential, enabling companies to use the microcontrollers supported  controllers for DO-178B and other rigorou ...

IAR Systems today announced that the IAR Embedded Workbench® development toolchain has been selected by Fujitsu as a part of Fujitsu’s SK-86R03 'Jade-L Starterkit' package.  The MB86R03 ‘Jade-L’ SoC device incorporates a powerful 32-bit ARM926EJ-S™ CPU core as well as Fujitsu’s ‘Coral PA’ graphics processor. Based on Fujitsu’s propr ...

INDES-IDS BV biedt oplossingen voor zowel embedded software-ontwikkeling als voor telecommunicatie-NEMS en -aanbieders. In deze markten bieden wij producten van ofwel de marktleider ofwel de innovatieleider. Ons doel is om u te assisteren om eerder de markt op te kunnen doordat wij u een combinatie van producten, kennis en diensten bieden.