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Protocol Stacks & Security

The IP-Stacks we offer are developed with small and fast embedded systems in mind. We offer IP-stacks that are either integrated with the various RTOS we offer, or can be integrated with your own platform of choice. Drivers are available off-the-shelf for all popular ETH Phy's. We also offer in-house services to assist you in developing device drivers. A rich set of IP-applications are availa ...
We offer complete solutions for implementation and testing of USB support for your embedded projects.  We have a rich offering of both USB Host and Device protocol stacks and drivers for all popular microcontrollers. Our offering also includes class driver and applications like Audio support. The USB middleware is also integrated with other middleware like our Embedded Filesystems (EFS).  ...
We offer communication stacks for wireless communication - WiFi - Bluetooth - WirePas ...
- MQTT - OTA-Update - ...
Secure communications in embedded systems is increasingly essential to customers and design engineers. System requirements for secure communications are driven from designs for point-of-sale terminals, smart meters, smart grid, kiosks and charging stations, building control, parking systems, appliances, and many more. With the emergence of these “Internet of devices,” engineers familia ...
CanOPEN ModBUS ...
Systec CANopen Tools With a comprehensive CANopen Software & Tool spectrum, we can offer you a complete and consistent selection of development tools, consultation, support, CAN accessories as well as the complete solution of your specific requirement.           ...

A secure bootloader is the central componment of a remote update solution. The boortloader can request to check and download a new image, verify the image, install it and reboot the system. Our secure bootloader will check if the image offered is a genuine image before installation by verifying its signature against a public key build into the bootloader. ...


INDES-IDS BV biedt oplossingen voor zowel embedded software-ontwikkeling als voor telecommunicatie-NEMS en -aanbieders. In deze markten bieden wij producten van ofwel de marktleider ofwel de innovatieleider. Ons doel is om u te assisteren om eerder de markt op te kunnen doordat wij u een combinatie van producten, kennis en diensten bieden.