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Partners, RTOS, Platforms & Middleware

ITTIA develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports data management software products and provides related services. Founded in 2000, ITTIA has a rich history of innovation and growth as a data management company. Today, ITTIA customers include leaders such as Freescale Semiconductor, Panasonic, Puget Sound Energy, Fresenius, Boeing, and Glaxo Smith Kline.

The company's platform-in ...
Percepio AB
Percepio’s core competences, embedded software and information visualization, is a rare combination. This has resulted in the amazing and unique Tracealyzer technology, that lets you look inside the runtime system in a new way. The intuitive visualization makes it easy for developers to understand, troubleshoot and optimize the software. The Percepio Tracealyzer RTOS tracing tools accelerat ...
Sciopta AG
Founded as Litronic AG in 1988, SCIOPTA Systems AG is based in Bottmingen/Basel (Switzerland). Since the inception SCIOPTA Systems AG is specialized in real-time systems. Initially started as a consulting company, three years later marketing, sales and support for embedded tools were added. SCIOPTA Systems AG develops, manufactures, licenses, sells and supports the SCIOPTA system software products ...
Segger Microcontroller GmbH
SEGGER Microcontroller offers software development tools as well as standard software components (middleware). In the Benelux countries SEGGER is represented by INDES-IDS BV. Next to the sales of the SEGGER products in the Benelux, INDES-IDS also offers local first-line technical support as well as professional services for SEGGER Products including target-board porting and device-driver develop ...
SYS TEC Electronic GmbH
The satisfaction of their customers is the basis for a successful cooperation and fundament for the success of SYS TEC electronic. They achieve this not only through a friendly and competent interaction with their internal and external partners. Above all, the quality of the final product is crucial. Quality means that they meet the high expectations of their customers with state-of-the-art produc ...

INDES-IDS BV biedt oplossingen voor zowel embedded software-ontwikkeling als voor telecommunicatie-NEMS en -aanbieders. In deze markten bieden wij producten van ofwel de marktleider ofwel de innovatieleider. Ons doel is om u te assisteren om eerder de markt op te kunnen doordat wij u een combinatie van producten, kennis en diensten bieden.