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U bevind zich op de volgende pagina: Products > Production Programming & System Test > Flash Programming > Flasher Pro (ARM7/9/11, Cortex-A,-R,-M, PPC, RX) English | French

Flasher Pro (ARM7/9/11, Cortex-A,-R,-M, PPC, RX)


Flash Programmer for ARM7/9/11, Cortex, RX and PPC cores

Flasher PRO is a programming tool for microcontrollers with on-chip or external Flash memory and ARM, RX or PPC core. Flasher PRO is designed for programming flash targets with the J-Flash software or stand-alone.

In addition to that Flasher PRO has all of the J-Link functionality. Flasher PRO connects via USB, Ethernet or via RS232 interface to a PC, running Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 and has a built-in 20-pin JTAG connector, which is compatible with the standard 20-pin connector defined by ARM.



  • Stand-alone JTAG/SWD programmer (Once set up, Flasher can be controlled without the use of PC program)
  • Ethernet interface
  • Supports internal and external flash devices
  • Wide range of devices are supported. For a complete list, please click here
  • Free software updates*, 2 years of support
  • 128 MB internal NAND flash, used for storing configuration and data files
  • Serial in target programming supported
  • Data files can be updated as mass storage or via J-Flash
  • Target interface: JTAG / SWD
  • No power supply required, powered through USB
  • Can be used as J-Link (JTAG emulator) with a download speed of up to 1 MByte/second
  • Programming speed typically between 30 KB/second and 1 MByte/second. Max. programming speed highly depends on target hardware and max. programming speed of the flash itself
  • ASCII command interface to control Flasher without the use of PC program
  • Authorized Flashing allows to limit the number of flash programming cycles and to protect the Flasher against non-authorized access in case of external production

*As a legitimate owner of a SEGGER Flasher, you can always download the latest software free of charge. Though not planned and not likely, Segger reserve the right to change this policy. Note that older models may not be supported by newer versions of the software. Typically, Segger support older models with new software at least 3 years after end of life.

For more information regarding the Flasher Pro, please contact Gerard Fianen.








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