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Based on our experiences with the sales, Technical Support and deployment of Embedded Software Development Tools and software platform we offer a number of services that assist you in a swift and professional deployment and a implementation.
The early phase of a new project is a phase where a lot of time can be gained.. or lost. Certainly when new projects are started using a new processor architecture, new debugging tools, a new RTOS, new test tools or an improved development methodology like a switch to Model-Driven Development. It is not without reason our company name is short for INtegrated DEvelopment Solutions. We have a lot ...
We offer on-site product training for all development Tools and Real-Time Software we offer. Product training usually is a combination of presentations and hand-on using the actual development Tools. Next to the standard trainings, it is often also possible for us to offer customer-specific training where parts of the standard training are adapted to cover topics that are most relevant for the Dev ...
Installation assistance
On any package of Development Tools and / or Software platform of over Euro 10.000,-- we offer 1 day free-off-charge on-site installation assistance by our Application Engineer. Installation assistance includes the installation of the Devleopment Tools and Software platform, assistance wit the integration with other parts of the Development Environment and a demonstration of the working environ ...
We offer on-site project specific consultance for both the DevelopmentTools as well as Software Development & Test Methodologies. In several cases this will be offered by means of our own Application Engineer, in other cases we are able to offer expert assistance in close cooperation with the companies we represendt and a network of partners. ...


INDES-IDS BV offers solutions for Embedded Software Development as well as for the Telecommunication NEMS and Service Providers. In these markets we offer products of either the market leader or the innovation leaders. Our goal is to assist you to get to the market sooner by offering a combination of products, knowledge and services.