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PoE (Power-over-Ethernet)

Power over Ethernet (PoE) is rapidly becomming a very popular technology to supply power to network equipment. We offer a wide suite of tools for testing your PoE device during both development and production.

Initially in 2003 the PoE standard (IEEE 802.3af) supported powering devices up to 15.4W on each 10/100/100BASE-T Ethernet port. In 2009 the standard was updated to IEEE 802.3at (also known as PoE+) to ptovide up to 25.5W to such Type-2 devices. This standard also added capabilities for power negotiation over Layer-2 LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol).

In September 2018 the IEEE defined the 802.3bt 4PPoE (4-pair) standard, defining power levels up to 55W Type-3) and 90-100W (Type-4). Additionally also support for 2.5G, 5G and 10GBASE-T was added.

Overview of PoE parameters
(Click to enlarge; Source WikiPedia)

PoE logo testing & certification:
In April 2018 the Ethernet Alliance (EA) defined a PoE certification program for network equipment and device manufacturers to apply an industry recognized logo, or certification mark, on their certified products and within associated product literature for those products. It is not mandatory for vendors to offer their equipment for certification, however it is not allowed to use the EA logo without.

PoE conformance testing:
The Sifos equipment we offer has been qualified to perform the certification test and is also used in authorized certification labs. PAlso when not applying for the formal logo performing the conformance tests is very valuable to guain greater confidence that PoE products are safe and will interoperate correctly. Having PoE standard conformace reports on PoE equipment can prevent finger pointing or expensive recalls of products.  

For more information have a look at our Sifos PD & PSE PoE testsystems below, visit the sifos website or contact Gerard Fianen to schedule a demonstration.


PDA-602B Powered Device Analyzer
 - Automated IEEE 802.3at Powered Device Conformance Testing
- Comprehensive Analysis of Critical PD  Performance Parameters
- Flexible 802.3at LLDP Emulation and Analysis
- Powerful Metering: Voltage, Current, Power Sampling at PD Interface - Flexible Emulation of PSE Behaviors and Configurations
- Intuitive Graphical User Interface for Rapid Analysis and Testing ...
PDA-604A 4-pair Powered Device Analyzer
The PDA-604A Powered Device Analyzer is a single-box comprehensive solution for testing IEEE 802.3bt and 802.3at PoE Powered Devices (PD's). It offers one-button, fully automated test sequences and limit checking for critical Powered Device PoE characteristics. With measurements performed at the Powered Device network interface, many parameters critical to 802.3at and 802.3bt interoperation ...
PSA-3000 Familiy Power Sourcing Equipment Testers
The worlds leader PoE and PoE fully atomated testsystem for lab, production and conformance testting. The  PowerSync® 3000 family also covers PoE loads and small 2 port testers.   Power-Over-Ethernet+  PSE Evaluation, Design, QA, System Test PSA-3000; PowerSync Analyzer PSA-3000 Key Features Industry Leading IEEE 802.3at PoE PSE Conformance Tests Uniqu ...


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