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Misra C / C++

We offer various tools for MISRA C and C++ checking. IAR Systems has included a basic (but powerfull) MISRA checker as standard in its Embedded Workbench. From LDRA we offer the most complete MISRA standards checking tools available in the market. LDRA actually has several people in the various MISRA comitees and was the first in the market to release support for MISRA C++.


MISRA Checking - IAR Systems
The MISRA C checker is completely integrated with IAR C/C++ Compiler. From IAR Embedded Workbench, you can control which MISRA C rules are checked; the settings will be used for both the compiler and the linker.

The implementation of the MISRA C rules does not affect code generation, and has no significant effect on the performance of IAR Embedded Workbench. The compiler and linker only ...


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