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U bevind zich op de volgende pagina: Partners > RTOS, Platforms & Middleware > SYS TEC Electronic GmbH English | French

Partners, SYS TEC Electronic GmbH

The satisfaction of their customers is the basis for a successful cooperation and fundament for the success of SYS TEC electronic. They achieve this not only through a friendly and competent interaction with their internal and external partners. Above all, the quality of the final product is crucial. Quality means that they meet the high expectations of their customers with state-of-the-art products.

The quality of their products is based in particular on the quality awareness of their employees. SYS TEC employees are therefore regularly qualified and their commitment to continuous improvement steadily strengthened.


Quality standards of SYS TEC electronicSysTect

  • Meeting customer expectations
  • Compliance with the highest standards and regulatory requirements
  • Inclusion of all employees
  • Process-oriented approach and commitment to continuous improvement
  • Recognizing risks, taking advantage of opportunities
  • Safety and reliability of our products and services
  • Introduction and maintenance of an effective quality management system 



They demonstrate the effectiveness of their quality management system with certification based on DIN EN ISO9001 by TÜV PROFiCERT Hessen.



sysWORXX CTR-700

How to buy

Please contact Gerard Fianen at   (+31) - (0)345 545 535  for pricing.

Orders can be placed by E-mail ( ), fax or regular mail. Please mention a Purchase Order Number as reference and shipping / billing addres.  Purchase orders from Belgium and Luxembourg should also include the VAT/ BTW / VTA number, so we can invoice you without the VAT.





INDES-IDS BV biedt oplossingen voor zowel embedded software-ontwikkeling als voor telecommunicatie-NEMS en -aanbieders. In deze markten bieden wij producten van ofwel de marktleider ofwel de innovatieleider. Ons doel is om u te assisteren om eerder de markt op te kunnen doordat wij u een combinatie van producten, kennis en diensten bieden.