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SEGGER J-Link now suppors ARM DS-5 Development Studio

Hilden, Germany - March 13th, 2014 - SEGGER's J-Link, the most popular debug probe and de-facto industry-standard in the ARM world now also supports the ARM DS-5 Development Studio.

DS-5 is a high-end IDE from ARM, mainly designed for developing on and debugging ARM’s high-performance Cortex-A and Cortex-R processors but debugging the popular Cortex-M series microcontrollers is also supported. J-Link support in DS-5 via RDDI takes full advantage of the extensive feature set of the J-Link product line. For instance, the combination of the J-Link ULTRA+ and DS-5 offers download speeds of up to 3.0 MBytes/s, as well as allowing the user to set an unlimited number of breakpoints, even when debugging in flash memory.

Of course, the well known, record breaking flash download technology of the SEGGER J-Link is also covered by J-Link DS-5 support. This technology achieves a performance very close to the maximum possible programming speed of the flash while fully maintaining the highest standards in reliability. The SEGGER flash loaders also include a verification of each block written and final checksum verification to guarantee proper operation.

“SEGGER is excited to make available the professional J-Link debug probe solution to those interested in working with ARM’s DS-5 Development Studio. We also think the J-Link high debug and download speed in combination with the availability of an unlimited number of breakpoints even when debugging in flash memory adds great value to the DS-5 solution which customers from ARM will definitely benefit from’ll be impressed”, says Dirk Akemann, Marketing Manager at SEGGER.

For any further enquiries regarding this topic, please contact Glenn Moloney at Indes - IDS B.V.



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