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New Percepio Tracealyzer video explores advanced features

Uppsala, Sweden - August 17th, 2016

Youtube user “Millsinghion” has made several FreeRTOS video tutorials and recently discovered Tracealyzer for FreeRTOS. Check his new video tutorial, how to get started and how to visualize the real-time behavior of his FreeRTOS system, for instance semaphores, I2C events and ADC readings.

Percepio’s market-leading visualization offers 25+ views, which are cleverly interconnected to allow viewing the trace from multiple perspectives, for instance CPU usage, memory allocation, task synchronization and communication events, as well as selected state variables and input/output values.

The insight provided by Tracealyzer facilitates debugging, validation, profiling, documentation and training. This can help avoid weeks of troubleshooting and vastly increase development speed.

Explore Tracealyzer for yourself. 

Download a free 30 day evaluation license



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