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U bevind zich op de volgende pagina: Products > RTOS, Platforms & Middleware > SQL-Database English | French


Secure Embedded Database for IoT Devices
Monitor, Store, and Act on Real-Time Data Metrics, Logs, and Events

ITTIA DB IoT for MCUs is a time series data management platform for real time IoT data processing and management. IoT devices benefit from ITTIA DB IoT stream processing capabilities to gain rapid insights from large volumes of raw data, separate and store valuable information, and act. This modern data management techn ...

Efficient, Safe, Scalable Database Software
ITTIA DB SQL is a relational database management software library for embedded systems and intelligent Internet-of-Things devices. SQL features not typically available on an embedded device greatly simplify data management for software developers. Elegant APIs, tools to ease development, and smooth upgrades make it fun to build data-driven app ...
ITTIA DB SQL Mobile is a software development platform empowering data management for collecting, managing, storing and reporting data from one or more sources, and distributing that data to back-end servers. With this SDK, manufacturers and developers of mobile devices rapidly design and embed a database with their application. In addition, ITTIA DB SQL Mobile provides remote data management and ...
Database Applications - Meter Shop Automation (MSA)
ITTIA Meter Shop Automation (MSA) is a software solution exclusively designed and developed for metering operations by energy utility professionals with decades of experience in the field. MSA handles receiving new and uninstalled meters, maintenance processes, and organizing meters for storage, installation, or retirement.

MSA is ideal for management, tracking, and maintenance of meter ...


INDES-IDS BV biedt oplossingen voor zowel embedded software-ontwikkeling als voor telecommunicatie-NEMS en -aanbieders. In deze markten bieden wij producten van ofwel de marktleider ofwel de innovatieleider. Ons doel is om u te assisteren om eerder de markt op te kunnen doordat wij u een combinatie van producten, kennis en diensten bieden.