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Partners, Segger Microcontroller GmbH


SEGGER Microcontroller offers software development tools as well as standard software components (middleware). In the Benelux countries SEGGER is represented by INDES-IDS BV. Next to the sales of the SEGGER products in the Benelux, INDES-IDS also offers local first-line technical support as well as professional services for SEGGER Products including target-board porting and device-driver development.

Products     |     SEGGER Company Backgrounder     |     How to buy        |     SEGGER Links



- RTOS and Middleware

- Real-Time Kernel >>
- TCP/IP Stack and IP-Applications >>
- Embedded GUI >>
- Embedded (Flash) Filesystem >>
- USB Host- >>   and Device stacks >>


All Segger software is ANSI-C compliant. The GUI, USB Protocol stacks and the Embedded File sytem are universal and suited for every processor and software platform (with or without RTOS). These products are free of Production Royalties, and next to Prodict-line licensing also per-developer licensing is available.

- More about Per-Developer Licensing 

- Development Tools

SEGGER is the producer of the well-known J-LINK and J-TRACE hardware that is used by thousands of developers each day, in combination with a wide range of debuggers. 


- Production Tools

The FLASHER series programmers can be used in both R&D and production programming.


Company Backgrounder

SEGGER was founded in 1992, is privately held, has been profitable since its inception, and is growing steadily. Based in Monheim (Germany). With distributors in all continents and local offices in Massachusetts, Milpitas (Silicon Valley) and Shanghai SEGGER offers its full product range worldwide.


Using SEGGER products helps to cut software development time for embedded applications by offering affordable, high quality, flexible and easy-to-use tools and software components allowing developers to focus on their applications.


How to buy

Please contact Gerard Fianen  at   (+31) - (0)345 545 535  for the SEGGER pricing and a quotation.

Orders can be placed by E-mail ( ), fax or regular mail. Please mention a Purchase Order Number as reference and shipping / billing addres.  Purchase orders from Belgium and Luxembourg should also include the VAT/ BTW / VTA number, so we can invoice you without the VAT.


SEGGER Links :

SEGGER Microcontroller Website >>

Global SEGGER Microcontoller Website

SEGGER Forum >>

Great resource for SEGGER users

SEGGER Downloads >> Manuals,software, evaluation versions
SEGGER Youtube >> SeggerMicro Channel with demonstrations
SEGGER Wiki page >> Wiki page with some general information
J-Link ARM Selection table >> J-Link Models for ARM en Cortex including pricing




INDES-IDS BV offers solutions for Embedded Software Development as well as for the Telecommunication NEMS and Service Providers. In these markets we offer products of either the market leader or the innovation leaders. Our goal is to assist you to get to the market sooner by offering a combination of products, knowledge and services.