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3gSIM - 3G Radio Interface Simulation

The 3GSIM solution developed by PRISMA allows full load of multiple UMTS sectors with a single device. On each sector, hundreds of simulated mobiles can concurrently generate load over the radio interface for both Circuit Switched and Packet Switched Services.

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HSPA/HSPA+, Dual-Carrier and MIMO ready

The standards supported by 3GSIM are HSPA and HSPA+ over 1900 and 2100 MHz bands, selected by appropriate radio modules. 3GSIM is Dual-Carrier and MIMO ready. OBSAI/CPRI interfaces support is also available for the 3GSIM radio modules.

Detailed test options, easy operation and configuration of test scenarios

The advanced features offered by 3GSIM include detailed and integrated monitoring over radio and baseband layers. Complex test scenarios are really simple to configure and execute. The easy-to-use Graphical User Interface AirMosaic enables the creation of calling scenarios associated to terminal instances, in order to get a wide variety of combined traffic loads. Reports to identify specific issues associated to the DUTs (Devices Under Test) are also very simple to outline, in spite of the richness of details made available. The number of radio cables needed is dramatically reduced by the use of just one single device.

Verify radio performances and new features

Often UMTS Service Providers and Vendors are not able to evaluate and test new features to be rolled out in their network, due to a lack of terminals embedding the necessary capabilities. 3GSIM enables radio testing otherwise not feasible even with pre-commercial terminals. Furthermore, the integration with PRISMA’s SIM Server array gives the ability to use real SIMs to verify the system behavior, or tight QoS policies in full load conditions with real users’ profiles.

Inter Radio Access Technology testing

A key requirement for all 3GPP standards is the interoperability between different Radio Access Technologies. PRISMA complies by providing multi-terminal solutions for 2G, 3G and 4G radio standards which are fully manageable by a single control point, such as the AirMosaic GUI.

Integration with Iub/Iu-CS/Iu-PS simulation solutions

3GSIM can be part of a complete testing and monitoring solution if integrated with other PRISMA’s modules. Simulation over radio interface can be complemented by Iub/Iu-CS/Iu-PS simulation, obtaining a complete end-to-end testing platform for the UMTS network elements (NodeB, RNC).

Flexible hardware configurations to fit any capacity needs

3GSIM configuration is modular and easily scalable. It allows tailored solutions for any testing need and is suitable for both small and large test beds.

Multi standard hardware platform

3GSIM is part of the LSU SDR Family designed by PRISMA to test radio interfaces with different standards, using a common hardware and a modular software architecture. This approach will ensure an unrivaled protection of your investment for testing equipment, simply because PRISMA’s solution will smartly follow the Customer’s needs as they evolve and grow. LSU SDR hardware and software releases follow closely the official versions of the evolving standards, thus being immediately available for deployment.

Integration with PRISMA’s products, such as Ticket Producer for Charging Verification

Ticket Producer is a solution developed by PRISMA to avoid any risk of revenue loss on the network. It gives Mobile Service Providers the ability to verify at the signaling source of their wireless network elements the accuracy of their billing system. 3GSIM can be part of this solution, constituting the most accurate system for charging verification nowadays.




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