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U bevind zich op de volgende pagina: Products > RTOS, Platforms & Middleware > RTOS > RTOS Overview English | French

RTOS Overview

We offer a few RTOS's and software platforms that each have their specific fit in the market.

  • Segger 
    Generic RTOS and modules that are avalable for virtually all popular target processors and development environements. Being very small in size and optimized for hard real-time systems these platforms are a very good fit for all your microcontroller based embedded projects.
  • Sciopta
    Leading the market in IEC-61508 / EN26262 certified platforms.
    Sciopta offer the ONLY safety SIL-2/SIL-3 certified solution in the market that has build-in and pre-certified. Competing offers in the market force companies to develop the integrity checking ofthe RTOS datastuctures and get this through certification.
  • HCC Embedded ( Middleware Components )
    Using HCC’s Advanced Embedded Framework, all software components from HCC can be integrated easily with almost any common RTOS, development environment, peripheral or flash device. It also provides an important alternative for those companies who cannot rely solely on proprietary operating system solutions in their design. HCC developed its Advanced Embedded Framework to enable consistent abstractions and interfaces to any embedded environment. This means that engineers can easily integrate HCC middleware whether they have proprietary or commercial software platforms. The framework not only provides a consistent set of interfaces, but it also creates the environment for HCC to apply its rigorous coding standard in the development of MISRA compliant and verifiable software components.

For any enquiries regarding the above RTOS's, please contact Gerard Fianen  at Indes - IDS B.V.



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