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J-Link & J-Trace family overview

The SEGGER family of J-Link & J-Trace probes is constantly evaluating with new models and additional features.

The tables blow show the various hardware features, included Software options and MCU families that are supported by the various models. 


Hardware features

Software features

Supported MCU models / Cores



Hardware Features

Hardware features like Ethernet interface, USB full- / high-speed interface, etc. are J-Link model specific features which can not be updated or changed by software updates.

The hardware features overview always refers to the current hardware version of the appropriate model. Older hardware versions may not support all of the features mentioned here.



1 The download speeds listed here are the peak download speeds that can be achieved by the particular J-Link model. The actual download speed may be lower as it depends on various factors, such as, but not limited to: The selected debug interface & speed, the CPU core and its operating frequency, other devices in the JTAG chain in case JTAG is used as target interface.

4 Unlimited streaming trace allows to transmit trace in real-time to the PC . While traditional trace only allows to see and analyze the last xxx MiB of trace data, with streaming trace it is possible to have all data available. This allows extended debugging features like code coverage, CPU load analysis based on a function basis, ...

5 Max. sampling frequency is guaranteed for sampling one variable and for appropriate target interface speeds being selected (min. 1 MHz). Sampling more than one variable in parallel, may lead to a smaller max. sampling frequency. When this threshold of sampling frequency decrease is hit, depends on different factors (Number of variables to be sampled in parallel, size of each variable, selected target interface speed, ...)

6 Only limited by the bandwidth of the debug interface. Typical sampling frequency of one variable: > 10 kHz.



Software Features

Software features are features implemented in the software primarily on the host. Software features can either come with the J-Link or be added later using a license string from Segger.


2 Most IDEs come with their own flashloaders, so in most cases this feature is not essential for debugging your applications in flash. The J-Link flash download (FlashDL) feature is mainly used in debug environments where the debugger does not come with an own flashloader (e.g. the GNU Debugger). For more information about flash download, please refer to Flash Download.

3 The Unlimited Flash Breakpoint feature allows setting an unlimited number of breakpoints even if the application program is not located in RAM, but in flash memory. Without this feature, the number of breakpoints which can be set in flash is limited to the number of hardware breakpoints (typically two for ARM 7/9, six for Cortex-M3). For more information about flash breakpoints, please refer to Unlimited Flash Breakpoints.


Supported Cores

Support for additional / new cores may be added to existing J-Link models with a new firmware version as far as the exisiting J-Link hardware allows it.

For more information about detailed MCU support for each J-link or J-Trace click Here



How to buy:

For any enquiries regarding the IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM, please contact Gerard Fianen




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