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U bevind zich op de volgende pagina: Products > Safety Critical & Certified Systems > IEC-61508 > Sciopta TCP/IP Protocol Stack English | French

Sciopta TCP/IP Protocol Stack

Designed for Embedded Systems

SCIOPTA Internet Protocols Suite (IPS) has been specifically designed to meet the requirements of modern internet protocol network applications in embedded systems. This gives IPS the advantage over traditional internet stacks that were ported to embedded systems, of having a higher performance and a lower memory footprint.

Flexible Interface
SCIOPTA IPS provides a standard BSD socket interface. This easily allows the porting of off-the-shelf internet protocols.
For designers who want to take full advantage of the speed, security and debug possibilities of SCIOPTA messages, an optimized asynchronous message interface is included. An IPS-application can transmit and receive internet protocol data packages in the same way as normal SCIOPTA messages.

Many parts of the SCIOPTA IPS stack are encapsulated in SCIOPTA static or dynamic processes which can be started and stopped individually.
This gives a highly modular design which can be scaled for specific applications.

Distributed Systems
With its modular design the SCIOPTA IPS stack cannot only be used in high performance single CPU embedded systems but is also suitable for distributed Multi-CPU systems.

SCIOPTA IPS Applications

  • Web Server; The SCIOPTA web server is used to supply data from embedded systems to host web browsers by using standardised protocols and languages.
  • IGMP
  • SMTP;  Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers.
  • TFTP; Trivial File Transfer Protocols is a simple protocol to transfer files between machines on different networks implementing UDP.
  • DNS;  Domain Name System is a service in a TCP/IP network such as SCIOPTA IPS that translates domain names into IP addresses.
  • Telnet is a terminal emulation program for TCP/IP networks such as SCIOPTA using the IPS stack.
  • DHCP; Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a protocol for assigning dynamic IP addresses to devices on a TCP/IP network such as SCIOPTA IPS.





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