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Eclipse Based Debuggers - WinIDEA

WinIDEA debugger for Eclipse

The iSYSTEM Debug Plug-In allows debugging directly from within the Eclipse debug environment. Eclipse is used as an editor, a project & build manager as well as a debugger. It provides all standard CDT debugger functionality, plus SFR view and Real-time Expressions view.

  • Call Plug-In
  • Debug Plug-In
  • Regular Expression Error Parser for CDT
  • (Eclipse Public License)

More about installation and usage: iSYSTEM Debug Plug-In for Eclipse (V9.9.46)

iSYSTEM Regular Expression Error Parser Plug-in for CDT

This plug-in contains an error parser, which is configurable. Regular expressions used to detect warnings and errors are read from a text file in a Java properties format. It is open source (EPL), so you can also use it as a starting point for more advanced error parsers.

 More about the Regular Expression Error Parser for CDT




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