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Tracealyzer 4 lets you see network activity

Welcome to a second glimpse of Tracealyzer 4, showing how network activity can be visualized together with the RTOS events. This way, developers of connected IoT systems can get a wider perspective of their system’s real-time behavior.



In this brief example we display events from a TCP/IP stack, but the same technique can be used for any kind of system inputs or outputs. This is also a first step in a new direction of broadening the scope of Tracealyzer. We aim to provide integrated support for leading middleware stacks in early v4.x releases. But there are so many stacks in the embedded/IoT industry, so the long-term goal is to allow for partners and end users to create their own Tracealyzer extensions for any software APIs they would like to trace.

For more information regarding Percepio please contact Glenn Moloney at Indes-IDS.



INDES-IDS BV offers solutions for Embedded Software Development as well as for the Telecommunication NEMS and Service Providers. In these markets we offer products of either the market leader or the innovation leaders. Our goal is to assist you to get to the market sooner by offering a combination of products, knowledge and services.